Master clocks - vezérlőórák és egyebek

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Gents C7 master Clock Showing Seconds Dated 1946

2009.11.22. 22:39 :: masterclock

Képek itt (indafoto)


Érdekessége a másodperckijelzés a master clock slave-jén: ehhez külön kontaktust használ a mechanizmusban, és külön áramkör jön létre a másodpercmutatós slave számára (külön szabályozóellenállással).


Beendet:15. Nov. 200922:00:08 MEZ
Gebotsübersicht:12 Gebote
Erfolgreiches Gebot:£191,00 
ca. EUR 212,45


Hello and welcome to my auction.This is for a Gents C7 master clock dated 1946 and showing seconds.The label inside dates the clock1/1/1946 and the serial no. is 5682. It is in a Mahogany case and has one or two slight knocks but overall in good condition.On the front of the clock it has a small plaque saying prime seconds,I am not sure what this alludes to.The clock has been tested and works very well,but I do feel that some of the wiring needs replacing.The pendulum has a green painted bob and the rod has been painted black both sides.Of its type I think that this clock is a good example.

Sizes of the clock are.51"x111/4x71/4 or 130cmsx29cmsx`18cms.

Please feel free to to contact me for further photographs information or shipping costs.

On 09-Nov-09 at 23:08:32 GMT, seller added the following information:

Because of the interest in this clock.I think I should point out that the Seconds circuit requires 24volt.D.C..Also because of the age of the clock it does need a rewire of the seconds circuit.Due to age related wiring,some of the insulation on on wiring has cracked

On 15-Nov-09 at 01:14:58 GMT, seller added the following information:

I think some buyers from abroad have been blocked from bidding.I have now corrected this

On 15-Nov-09 at 01:42:19 GMT, seller added the following information:

This clock can be posted worldwide

Szólj hozzá!

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